Monday, February 28, 2011

Hello friends! :)

I'm home after one of the best weekends I've had in a long time.  I needed that!  Great friends, a great wedding, and more drinks than I can remember... heehee.

The weather here has been beautiful and I've been able to drive around with the windows down and sandals on.  Is spring finally coming??

I have been taking many photos lately.  I have a Tumblr devoted to them; I am trying to take 365 photos (that I like enough to edit and upload!) this year.  So far it has been a ton of fun!

One of my most 'favorited' photos (by other people) is this:

Finnegan is pretty serious when it comes to birds.

You can check out my Tumblr here:

Follow me if you have one! :)


  1. Wow I can see why it's a favorite! Great pic lady!

  2. Great pic! Btw, what kind of camera do you use? I've been searching everywhere for an affordable one to start with..

  3. Haha, great photo! Love the green-cat-eyes:-) xoxo

  4. Love this cat photo - in fact I adore cats.
    Have a great weekend-
    A xx

  5. Wow, how beautiful! It's a postcard picture!

    Stopping by from blogfrog (Let's follow each other" discussion) and following you!
