Monday, February 28, 2011

Hello friends! :)

I'm home after one of the best weekends I've had in a long time.  I needed that!  Great friends, a great wedding, and more drinks than I can remember... heehee.

The weather here has been beautiful and I've been able to drive around with the windows down and sandals on.  Is spring finally coming??

I have been taking many photos lately.  I have a Tumblr devoted to them; I am trying to take 365 photos (that I like enough to edit and upload!) this year.  So far it has been a ton of fun!

One of my most 'favorited' photos (by other people) is this:

Finnegan is pretty serious when it comes to birds.

You can check out my Tumblr here:

Follow me if you have one! :)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Hello happy blog friends! Happy Friday!

We have flown down to Florida for the weekend for a wedding. So we have today off! Sitting in a cozy coffee shop with a delicious cup and some music... Oh, and the high 70's weather? Yes please! It is nice. :)

Blogging from my iPod touch is hard. Big thumbs, little keys! ;)

Hope you all have a lovely start to the weekend!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The universe is laughing.

Of course, as soon as I decide I'm going to start blogging again...

My laptop dies. 

Isn't that how the universe works, though?  Sigh.  I have a desktop I use but I just really like my laptop!  Sheesh!  I'm thinking a cute little netbook might be in my future...

Hope everyone's having a great week so far.  I'd like it to be a little warmer, but wouldn't we all? :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

My intro post!

Well, this sure feels familiar... :)

After a lot of thought I've decided I'm going to start blogging again.  I miss it for various reasons, but I feel that this blog will be a little different than my previous one.  (You may remember me from Sami by the Sea; if not, I won't hold it against you! ;)

So I guess first, I'll tell you a little bit about me, and then a little bit about what to expect to see in this blog!

Hi!  I'm Sami, let's be blogfriends! :)  I'm not really great at writing introductions, so I'll get right to it - I'm 30, living in coastal North Carolina with my wonderful boyfriend and our twin white cats, Kerrigan and Finnegan. I work with animals (more accurate: their crazy owners) for a living and drive an amazing 2000 Acura Integra, the best car ever!

I thoroughly enjoy soccer and my team of teams is Arsenal.  I won't lie, I am a huge fanatic!! ;) I'll also root for AC Milan and any of our US teams, but I don't watch much outside of the Premier League and Serie A. (We don't get streams here for other leagues!)  I also adore photography and shoot with a Nikon D3000; you will likely see photos posted up here in this blog.  I'm also into fitness and eating healthy... I've been pretty active all of my life and have only recently slipped out of it due to work and finances, but I'm getting back on track now and it feels great. :)

I also LOVE the beach.  How can you not, when you live 5 minutes away?  The southern coastal life, is my life. :)

The title of this blog is actually named after a local hot sauce, but I think it works well here for me.  While I may not be a complete Carolina fireball every day, I like to think it epitomizes how I feel about life and happiness!  (And salsa, I like it spicy!)

This will likely be the longest post you see here on this blog; my goal here is to keep posts short and sweet.  I used to do the longer post thing but after a while I found it to be more of a chore than fun anymore, so here you'll get snippets.  Photos, lyrics, maybe a recipe or two, and vignettes from my everyday life.  I think it'll be a little more refreshing and easier to keep up, and hopefully whatever readers I may acquire will enjoy it as well. :)

SO!  Hello, nice to meet you, and hope to see you soon!

( PS, I need to work on this layout!  Any suggestions? )